Join us on June 4th from 11am-1pm at PA State Capitol Senate side on the lawn to benefit Fill A Glass With Hope featuring FREE PA Dairymen’s delicious Farm Show favorite milkshakes, PA Dairy Princesses and a baby calf! Dairy is PA’s largest sector of the Ag industry.
Join PA Dairymen’s Association, Feeding Pennsylvania, PennAg Industries, American Dairy Association North East, PA Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, Miss Pennsylvania Kayla Repasky, PA Dairy Princesses, Food Bank Directors from across the state.
- FREE delicious PA Dairymen’s famous Farm Show milkshakes.
- Donations encouraged to help pour fresh milk across the state through Feeding PA’s Fill A Glass With Hope™️ Program!
- Meet our baby calf! Get your photo taken and help us celebrate the state’s #1 industry, Agriculture! And the #1 sector of the Ag industry, PA Dairy!
- FAGWH is the first statewide charitable fresh milk distribution program in the U.S. with partners Feeding PA, the PA Dairymen’s Association, American Dairy Association North East, agriculture partners, and business leaders to bring fresh milk to Pennsylvania families in need through Feeding Pennsylvania’s network of food banks. Fill a Glass with Hope™️ now provides millions servings of milk to clients of Feeding Pennsylvania’s statewide member food banks.
- Did you know 1 in 6 kids in PA are hungry? Together, we can Fill a Glass with Hope™️ so no one goes without fresh milk. On average $1 donated equals 8 servings of milk.
Outdoors on the lawn of the Senate side of the PA Capitol, closer to North & Third Street corner of the Capitol.
- Milk is the Commonwealth’s Official Beverage.
- PA has the 2nd highest number of dairy farms in the country.
- The PA Dairy industry contributes approximately $15 billion annually to the state economy.
Hope to see you there!